Monday, 20 October 2014

NDM story

Snapchat messaging app gets its first ad... and it's very creepy

In this article it speaks about how snapchat have now had their first ever advert on its app.It was an advert on horror movies and they said they wanted it to relate to the users of the app in the users being young and something that can relate to them. They also stated that they wouldn't be interfering with anyone snaps or messages because that would be rude. They are working on these adverts with universal. It was 20 seconds and just like the snaps on my story it will go after 24 hours. 


  • The company was valued at $10bn in its last funding round, despite its lack of revenues. It famously turned down a $3bn acquisition offer from Facebook in 2013 in favour of remaining independent.
  • In August, research firm comScore claimed that 32.9% of 18-34 year-olds in the US were using the app, but this was closer to 50% for 18-24 year-olds.
In my opinion I believe this is a clever idea from snapchat, snapchat know they are becoming bigger and bigger and are getting more people to get their apps. So to compete with other apps they would need to use adverts and with getting a partnership with universal they would be getting more coverage as well as more money. As a user of snapchat I believe it would be pointless and annoying to me as I just go on the app to see what my friends and family are doing and may find that seeing these adverts may annoying as not all of them may have an interest to me. 

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