Wednesday, 7 January 2015


1) This article speaks about what google glass is all about. It speaks about the benefits and drawbacks of the google glass with theories backing the point up. 

2) One of the positives of the google glass is that it allows for people who are not in living in the city to connect with the rest of the world. What is also stated is that it is easily accessible and gives the chance for people to be empowered as well as giving out information.

3) The main negative within google glass is ownership. What is spoken about is how certain companies may not be able to compete resulting in a monopoly being introduced, showing that a small  number of companies cater for large audiences, linking into marxism showing that the elite what to stay at the top and everything is within a class with the major companies being at the top 

4) Moral panic - an instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society.

techno panic - A moral panic based around the fear of new technology.

5) One of the concerns are that people can record others without their concent, this would relate to them not being able to trust others. Also it may mean that people would see each other less in person and links in with alone together in that people will feel like they are together but are not and are really alone.

6) I believe that google glass is a good idea as it links in with globalisation as well as the global village, linking people together all across the world. As well as this google glass is an idea that as never been done before and is a fresh new innovative idea, however I believe they need to sort out the privacy fears for it to become a successful product in the long term 

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