Friday, 8 May 2015

NDM Summary

1) 16/09/14: Rupert Murdoch page 3
3) 16/09/14: Angry birds new game
4) 23/09/14: Instagram ads
5) 30/09/14: Piers Morgan joins mail online
19) 9/12/14 Van Gaal unimpressed
20) 16/12/14 YouTube star Connor Franta comes out as gay in video
22) 06/01/15 Playstation hacked
23) 06/01/15 How can social media tackle social media hate merchants

24) 07/01/15 Ched Evans announcement
48) 07/05/15 Van Gaal unimpressed
49) 07/05/15 Angry birds new game

Thursday, 7 May 2015

NDM's categorized


Vine competing with the premier league 



Social Media


NDM story

Instagram deletes woman's period photos - but her response is amazing

Photographer Rupi Kaur has effectively made Instagram, one of the most popular photo-sharing websites in the world, accept that periods are not inappropriate.
Last week she posted a photograph of a fully clothed woman lying in bed with a period stain on Instagram.
Kaur took to Facebook to write: “Thank you Instagram for providing me with the exact response my work was created to critique. You deleted my photo twice stating that it goes against community guidelines.

NDM story

Spanish federation to suspend all domestic competition over TV rights

The spanish federation are going to suspend domestic football in spain due a spat with the government over tv rights. This could possibly have an affect on the final 2 games being played in spain affecting clubs such as Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. This could then have affects on other leagues as these games would have to be played at other times in which it could affect the champions league final with Barcelona and Real Madrid still having chances of getting into the final

NDM Story

How social media hijacked the Met Ball

Social media took over the met ball as there were many memes made about the met ball and the celebrities who were involved such as Rihanna and Kim Kardarshian. Rihanna did get a lot of abuse about what she wore, however on the other hand Beyonce got plaudits for what she wore at the met ball

NDM Story

Social media – a shining light in F1 amid the darkness

F1 has added an official YouTube channel, where they share never previously seen videos of past seasons, as well as an official Instagram account, along with the existing Twitter account.
For the teams and drivers, social media became an easy way to not only promote themselves but also reward the average fans for their continued support. And for the fans, the medium has given them a chance to voice their love for the sport and get recognised for their involvement.