Tuesday 3 February 2015

NDM story

Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy's refusal to cut deal with West Ham over Emmanuel Adebayor stokes rivalry

This article speaks about how West Ham football club and Tottenham football club have had another argument, this time about Adebayor in where Tottenhams owner said they were not willing to pay any of Adebayor's wages especially as it is a London rival team. West Ham owner David Gold then took to Twitter to express his views on Tottenham and they were negative tweets such as “However, no matter how hard you try, there are people out there that you just can’t do business with.” in where he was talking about Tottenham.
I believe from this article that these two clubs don't like doing business together and they should not do so in the future, I also believe Gold should have kept their business private and not tweeted it to the whole world but you can see why he done so as he wanted to tell the West Ham fans how disappointed they are. 

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