Tuesday 9 December 2014

NDM Story

No More Page 3 step up their campaign against the Sun

This article speaks about how the campaign group to stop the sun from showing naked girls on page 3 have stepped up their campaign against it. They talk about how they are scared of them and they are only one organisation with being in mind that the sun are a massive organisation. They also state that the Irish version of the sun sales did not decrease as a result of dropping the page 3 girls. They also say statements such as “a fight to get rid of a sexist page in a newspaper” as “part of a wider struggle for better representation, equality and human rights.”

I believe that if they want to campaign then they can and they are going the right way about it as their voices are now being heard and they have caused change for the sun and to say that the sun are scared of them shows they are making progress.

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