Monday 1 December 2014

NDM story

Ched Evans rape debate: Ofcom to investigate BBC DJ’s comments

This article speaks about how ofcom are investigating the comments made by a DJ on a radio station which may be seen as offensive in which one of the things he said was women need to keep their knickers on. This is him referring to the Ched Evans case in which Evans was put in jail for allegedly raping a woman and has now been released and wants to come back into football again which has caused a major stir in which this DJ has not really back Evans but went against women in a way and as a result is being investigated due to complaints being made.

I believe what he said was wrong but if he wanted to give his real opinion then he should have because there is no point in lying however what he said was wrong and I believe if something happens to him such as being suspended I believe it would be fair but he has apologized so he knows where he went wrong.

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